Roberto Carlos plays for Fenerbahçe | Since some years Brazilian soccer players and Brazilian soccer coaches has been playing in Turkey. Some of the most famous Turkish Soccer Teams are Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray and Besiktas. But recently this number has raised a lot and the number of Brasilian players in Turkey is amazing. |
"Fenerbahçe Spor Kulubu" or "Fenerbahçe Sport Club" is a Turkish Club in Istanbul and was founded in 1907. As well as the other Turkish clubs, Fenerbahce promotes other sport modalities among others such as voleyball, tennis and basketball. Fenerbahçe is one of the most notables Turkish soccer clubs. Winner of the national championship for sixteen times, the club has a global reputation and respected. Today I can say it is one of the best Turkish team. | Alex plays for Fenerbahce |
Zico coaches Fenerbahce | Brazilian coach Zico trains the team since 2006 and he works together with the Brazilian assistants: Eduardo Antunes Coimbra and Moraci Vasconcelos Santann. The physical coach Eurico of Campos is also Brazilian. Today they are 6 Brazilian soccer players that play in Fenerbahçe. Roberto Carlos is an idol for the Turks and it was contracted in 2007. Another very dear Brazilian Fenerbahçe player is Alex. Verdeson and Aurélio are also two other Brazilian players that obtained the Turkish citzenship and play for Fenerbahçe. To complete the long lists are Edu Dracena and Deivid of Souza. In a team of 11 players it is interesting to notice that 6 are Brazilian, and do not forget the coach and his assistants ! |
The Turks are great soccer fans ! In Istanbul each team owns a soccer stadium. Although the stadiums are not very big, the fans make any game a emotional one.
A second club to be mentioned of great importance is "Galatarasay Spor Kulubu". Galatasaray was in a high rank for sometimes, but today it stands behind Fenerbahçe. There is a very big competition among Turkish soccer teams, especially between Galatasaray and Fenerbahçe. Turkish fans are very fanatic! The Brazilian Cassio of Souza Soarez Lincoln is playing for Galatasaray since 2007. | Lincon plays for Galatasaray |
Ricardinho plays for Besiktas | And I also have to add to this list "Besiktas Spor kulubu". This team is also a good Turkish soccer team and had already had great Brazilian players dressing its black and white shirt. Since 2006 Ricardinho and Bobo play at Besiktas. Its soccer stadium is one of the most beautiful stadiums of Istanbul, the fans can watch the game and also a beautiful view of the strait of Bosphorus. |
Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray and Besiktas are districts in Istanbul and usually after a good game, fans commemorate their victory in their own neighborhood with a lot of joy. After taking the third place at the World Cup in 2006 Turkey had obtained international respect at the international soccer world. Turks do want to win the next World Cup like all the other teams !Good luck Turkey ! |
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